

Title: SHAMUS Year: 1973 Grade: C

While Burt Reynolds is mostly known for car chase comedies, his deepest niche were neo noir flicks, and SHAMUS centers on modern gumshoe Shamus McCoy, breezily played by Burt in a semi-decent ride that puts the viewer in a seedy city that would have also worked as a dramatic thriller but Reynolds, even after his incredibly dramatic breakthrough in DELIVERANCE, wanted to lighten-up the sleaze...

In one of those last-name-spouting, location-to-location cases... to find diamonds... here alongside ingenue Dyan Cannon yet the best scene features a classy, beautiful and wonderfully stacked bookstore clerk, paying deliberate tribute to THE BIG SLEEP, providing Burt a turn at Humphrey Bogart when, in reality, he got the job done fine... but might not have realized his strengths just yet, and, God knows, the unknown bookworm Kay Frye was a much bigger blast than Cannon, and would have made a far superior love interest too.

Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS with Kay Frye
Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS with Kay Frye
SHAMUS with Kay Frye
Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS with Kay Frye
Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS with Kay Frye
SHAMUS with Kay Frye
Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS with Kay Frye
Dorothy Malone and Humphrey Bogart in THE BIG SLEEP
Burt Reynolds in SHAMUS

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