Poster showing Michael Douglas and Deborah Winters from HAIL, HERO! Year: 1969 Rating: *** |
In the beginning of Michael Douglas's career he
plays Carl Dixon, a free-spirit during the Vietnam WAR era who returns from
New York college life to a rural farm-family that's harbored proud
fighting men since the Civil War.
The first act of HAIL, HERO! has Carl entering into his small Southern
hometown with the kind of jovial personality that embodies aimless
sarcastic abandon (that he'd revisit in another counter-culture flick ADAM AT 6 A.M.)...
A young Michael Douglas and beautiful Deborah Winters in HAIL, HERO! Year: 1969 Rating: *** |
First playing bull and matador with a truckload of Mexican workers and
eventually being misunderstood by his uptight father, who gives him a
nice clean haircut right away...
From his era, kids didn't let their
"freak flag fly" and it gave Michael Douglas, perhaps weighed-down
under famous father Kirk's immense shadow, a more mainstream and handsome
look in spite of his carefree hippie character.
Brothers Peter Strauss and Michael Douglas bookend Deborah Winters in Hail, Hero! |
The best scenes involve blonde starlet Deborah Winters who, that same
year, played a suburban teen hippie chick having a bad acid trip in THE PEOPLE NEXT
DOOR. Here’s she’s a promiscuous country girl with a crush on Carl and a
past relationship with his older brother, Frank...
And in the thankless straight man role, future TV-miniseries giant Peter Strauss might as well be Nick
Nolte's uptight brother from RICH MAN POOR MAN. Strauss's Frank was
crippled because of Carl and holds a grudge that enters into the final
act, taking place at a big party where generations collide.
Deborah Winters is the hottie in the waterhole in HAIL, HERO! |
But it’s one
prolonged segment with Douglas and Winters, splashing around in a
swimming hole wearing close to nothing, that provides something for
either sex to enjoy.
Unlike many counter-culture curios, HAIL, HERO is never too preachy or
annoyingly idealistic. The soundtrack is large and brassy and the
acting, including veterans Arthur Kennedy and Teresa Wright, is
Peter Strauss with Deborah Winters in HAIL, HERO! with Arthur Kennedy |
Meanwhile the sporadic use of muted flashbacks of important memories — like Carl's father having an affair with the Spanish maid, and the accident that changed Frank’s life — make this VHS import more
interesting that it sometimes deserves to be...
And, despite being dated
and ultimately stagey, with a really bizarre and pointless midsection
where Frank smokes pot with a hermit hag in a cave, what's really
important is the introduction of Micheal Douglas, proving — as the son of a legend — that he could hold his own.
Deborah Winters with an uncredited actress on horseback in HAIL, HERO! |
Like Michael Douglas Deborah Winters is the child of an movie star... Penny Edwards |
Deborah Winters as Becky in HAIL, HERO! aka Cześć, bohaterze! |
Deborah Winters as Becky in HAIL, HERO! aka Hail, héroe |
Deborah Winters as Becky in HAIL, HERO! aka Héroes |
Deborah Winters facing Michael Douglas in his first feature HAIL, HERO! |
Deborah Winters recalled that Michael Douglas never looked her in the eye filming Hail, Hero! |
Michael Douglas in Hail, Hero! aka Cześć, bohaterze! aka O Protesto aka |
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