

"Working on that film was amongst the worst experiences of my career" Lisa Langlois YEAR: 1988
The same year Roger Corman's former New World Pictures put out the slug infestation Jaws-Clone SLUGS, his new company New Horizons, led by daughter Julie Corman, made a killer cockroach flick titled THE NEST...

Which is almost as effective, and with a higher grade of actors including legendary Robert Lansing as a real estate developer who, a cross between the greedy JAWS mayor and a similar land-developer in another Steven Spielberg thriller, POLTERGEIST, is covering up not an Indian burial ground but some kind of waste that harbors mutant cockroaches doing tons of local damage...
The beautiful Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST Rates: ***1/2
The kind of ultra-violent havoc taking a steady amount of screentime in the usual body count fashion, and like JAWS we even have a trusted, stalwart sheriff teamed with a bearded, quirky bug expert ala Roy Schieder and Richard Dreyfuss, while our Quint is Lansing's sexy scientist Terri Treas, a kind of Dr. Frankenstein of roaches...

But the true lead is the insanely gorgeous horror genre starlet Lisa Langlois as Lansing's innocent, initially oblivious, learning-while-she-goes daughter: providing the underrated scream queen plenty to investigate and eventually scream about in an exploitation thriller that's both grotesque and worthwhile for fans of midnight movies — and hell, given the effective budget, it even works during prime time.
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST and CLICK HERE for her Facebook page
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois in THE NEST with Robert Lansing
Robert Lansing and Terri Treas in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
You do plan on having cockroaches in this review of THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
Robert Lansing as Elias Johnson in THE NEST
Lisa Langlois as Elizabeth Johnson in THE NEST
The late Heidi Helmer gets physical in THE NEST

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