

SPEND Grade: B
Noah’s arc, if you pardon the pun, wasn’t very involving. He helped Beth out of trouble but she bought the farm either way. After which, he didn’t have much input on THE WALKING DEAD. As happens, certain characters, especially when one or two are solely centered on, become mere wallpaper. And tonight, wallpaper got painted over… Including pretty boy PARTY OF FIVE, the gung ho son of Deanna – no loss there. 

The zombies must have had a union meeting before this show. More screen time, more importance – and most of the episode deals with The Dead inside a dark warehouse: flashlights piercing darkness in a strategic location harboring important power grid adapters (or something) for the town of Alexandria.

It felt very much like an intense mid-section of a no-holds-barred cop show, or the climax of an action movie. Not much serialized melodrama except one conversation with Rick and… the husband of that really pretty girl Rick has his eyes on… that’s for next week. Oh and Carol had another talk with Cookie Boy, her bitch. And Abraham got a promotion as head of construction. Now that shoe fits.

But tonight’s SPEND spent its time with frantic action: A gray-hued barrage of edgy pandemonium. Especially important is Eugene, the cowardly lion who once held a bogus answer to cure the “disease” in Washington D.C., where they're existing now. And did anyone ever trust Father Marvin Hagler in the first place? The whiny preacher previously holed-up in the rural church house is… well not exactly a traitor; but he doesn’t have nice things to say about our heroes... That they're basically, to quote the Bible... No, let's quote David Lee Roth... "Runnin' with the Devil." Then again, in a Zombie Apocalypse – perhaps that’s the only side left.

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