

Title: THE HOODLUM Shown: Lawrence Tierney, Angela Stevens Year: 1951 Rating: ***

Pulpy programmer about a newly released convict, Vincent, played by Lawrence Tierney, master of the scowling grimace and gruesome growl, working at younger brother Johnny's gas station and not liking his contrived freedom one bit...

There's a chip on Vince's shoulder the size of the lucrative bank across the street, and he wants a quick buck instead of pouring gas for complaining customers, who all act like they haven't had their morning coffee — as if he's being tested on purpose by secret shoppers hired by the grouchy cop who reluctantly paroled him...

Lawrence Tierney and Edward Tierney in THE HOODLUM

Besides Scott Brady, Larry's other sibling, Edward Tierney, plays Johnny with a natural, laidback, non-acting aura to his older bro's steely mainline but isn't very interesting, or the kind of nice guy to root for: In fact, he and Alleen Roberts as his uptight fiancee, who ends up literally falling for Vince after a few forced smooches, ultimately provide filler melodrama...

The opening credit sequence, foreshadowing, then enveloping, the climactic brother to brother showdown, is a nice treat: As is the creatively-devised bank heist along with a gang of potentially lethal goons...

Marjorie Riordan in THE HOODLUM

Including the stock blonde gun-moll — having very little to do with new leader Lawrence Tierney, who'd rather romance a crooked "inside woman" bank teller, as close to a femme fatale as it gets, but she's really just talk.... 

Basically, THE HOODLUM is a b-movie's b-movie that pays off in mostly counterfeit bills, although the time's spent decently enough... just don't expect DILLINGER (the same director)... and prepare to box your ears whenever Vince and Johnny's put-upon mother invades the screen: her immense overacting makes Una O'Connor seem subtle.

Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Angela Stevens in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Allene Roberts in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Allene Roberts in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Allene Roberts in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in THE HOODLUM with Lisa Golm
Marjorie Riordan as the crooked bank teller in THE HOODLUM
Lawrence Tierney in The Hoodlum directed by Kill or be Killed and Dillinger's Max Nosseck

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