

year: 2013 cast: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris, Amy Warren, Paul Sharma rating: ***
Being already 2013, it seems the critics praising GRAVITY as not only the best film of the year, but the greatest science-fiction movie of all time, desperately want something to finally surpass that famous odyssey of 2001. The comparison is mentioned in just about every review, and why not: Both are epic-quality, beautifully filmed, visual ballets, and each has an astronaut flying helplessly into outer space. Only Gary Lockwood’s Frank Poole isn’t as lucky… that’s right, lucky… as Doctor Ryan Stone, who, played by Sandra Bullock, is such a timid and whiny novice you’ll wonder why she’s out there at all.

Thankfully, Ryan has a big brother type in the form of a confident George Clooney. His rambling Matt Kowalski seems like a hotshot pilot telling stories, until debris from a Russian Satellite sends Ryan adrift into space, and right up the orbital creek… Here’s where Matt’s wry sarcasm morphs into a soulful, comforting tone not unlike a doctor’s voice during those few moments after anesthesia sets in. Both make a nice team, and perhaps the most intriguing part has the duo floating toward a Russian Satellite for safety, that is, until the next round of anticipated debris will return: malicious as hungry sharks in a stranded-at-sea adventure.

While capably taut, suspenseful and satisfying, GRAVITY feels more like an IMAX real-time roller coaster than a fleshed-out story, and yet it is character-driven, somewhat… Bullock plays a likable, vulnerable heroine but the special-effects, making the audience feel like they, too, are stranded above the glimmering Earth, is really what your 3D ticket pays for.

1 comment:

  1. I finally saw it today. Since I missed the hype, at least purposely not reading the reviews, I was really looking forward to it. Visually amazing. Unfortunately the sound at the theater I went to was almost completely out on the right hand side. The surround was working but the main speakers were out. You could hear a bit of fuzz when it was trying to work. Hurray. Since everyone in America is 90% deaf nowadays...you see where this is going. I'll have to see it again, in a different theater. Now about the 3-D - it looked nice but it really wasn't filling up all the empty spots like I like 3-D to do for that extra $4 or $5 dollars. $14.50 hurray. In other words I could have done without the 3-D and not felt like I missed anything.

    At its best when the movie was quiet and all the action was going on in the background, it was a pretty darn engrossing affair. At its worst, it was a set up to get middle aged and older Americans into the theater with George Clooney & Sandra Bullock with their cool chemistry to get the audience turned on and caring about the characters without a long drawn out set-up (at least that would be the predominant age group in my theater). George Clooney, Sandra Bullock, Space Disaster...and GO! And it worked. Go team!

    Saying all that I really dug it, until the end. It could have been so much better with just one little tweak.

    Great review.


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