

year: 2013 cast: Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe rating: **
Faster than a speeding bullet… You can say that again. When Henry Cavill’s male model Superman blasts into the sky after having a brief conversation with someone on the ground – if you blink you might just miss him: Beginning with the painful birth of Kal-El on the doomed planet Krypton, we’re introduced to Superman’s father, played by Russell Crowe, whose Jor-El has one goal: ensure his son is sent to a planet where he can do some good. He also holds the key that would ensure the survival of any other unborn Krypton children. Thus General Zod, played by a grimacing Michael Shannon, has a goal other than world domination. Unlike the cocky narcissist in the original films, this Zod is as bluntly patriotic as they come… only he’s working for his own destroyed planet against a living Earth's mankind: Now we’re skipping ahead, easy when reviewing a film that jumps all over the place. There are glimpsed flashes of Kal-El, who, raised by the Kansas farm Kent family and named Clark, holds back from beating bullies to a pulp. One of the more emotionally gripping scenes has Kevin Costner’s Jonathan Kent risking his own life before his adopted son’s eyes – holding firm that Clark must protect his identity at any cost. But with so many cuts to and from the past, we never get to know any character enough to make them really matter in the present. The backstory of Clark Kent looks like a collection of well-shot movie trailers.

Amy Adams plays The Daily Planet’s roving journalist Lois Lane with the robotic determination of a relentless workaholic. Too bad her chemistry with the blue collar Clark (a chiseled drifter similar to X-MEN's Wolverine) is beyond dull, each spouting dialogue like they're rehearsing lines in pre-production. At one point she almost tells Clark… or rather, Kal-El… what that “S” on his shirt could possibly stand for. That’s right… the name Superman might be too corny for today’s hip generation: So perhaps it's a blessing she’s interrupted by the invasion of Zod, who, with a fleet of ominous spaceships, noisily seeks Kal-El and one important device he’s hiding – but where exactly? It’s really no spoiler to disclose that Superman saves the human race in MAN OF STEEL, but with a few prolonged action-packed fights against an ultimately pointless Zod, we only see the caped crusader defend a handful of military men in a bland looking desert.

With an epic two-and-a-half hour runtime, not much ground is covered. And while the director (and producer) try hard to make this brooding reboot as serious as possible, there lacks the warmth and charm that would give Clark Kent the vulnerability for an audience to care about – or to share with his character’s emotional range, as blandly one dimensional as the “We Got A Dire Situation” plot that could have featured any superhero… Preferably someone willing to disclose his comic book name with pride... Maybe next time.


  1. Worst. Movie. Ever. I just got home from seeing this piece of poop. Who wrote this garbage? Not even 1/3 of the way through this movie my friend kept asking me if we could leave. The only reason I did not walk out of this movie because I could not believe just how horrible it was, that in fact it HAD TO GET BETTER! It did not! It made me want to re-evaluate my hatred for THE HOBBIT. I kept thinking, "You know, after watching this, THE HOBBIT was pretty damn good."

    I seriously thought this was one of the worst movies of all time. Now if I wasn't a fan of Zach Snyder, I would have just chalked it up as one more piece of crap Hollywood Garbage Machine turning out a favorite super-hero of mine into runny diarrhea. But no, this was ZACH FREAKING SNYDER - I LOVED 300, WATCHMEN and to a lesser extent SUCKER PUNCH. I fully expected to at least enjoy this movie, if not love it. It made the hilarious moment in the newest Star Trek crap fest when Spock yelled "KHAAAAAAAN!" pure Shakespearean Tragedy!

    THE HOBBIT had moved past THE PASSION and THE MESSENGER as the worst movie of all-time on my list (with AFTER HOURS and HOWARD THE DUCK close behind). Well MAN OF STEEL takes the freaking cake.

    Great review but I HIGHLY disagree with your rating. Do you have a Zero star rating?

    After the last several movies I've seen I swore to myself and several other people that I have been so disappointed in the new movies of late that if MAN OF STEEL sucked (believing that Zack wouldn't let me down - in fact would make up for all the crapola I've seen of late) - that I would retire from seeing any new movies in the movie theater.

    Consider me retired. Good luck Jim, I'm done. Hollysuck can steal money from someone else. Saves me money for more books to read.

  2. An occasionally exciting, intelligent and visually impressive sci-fi adventure with a fine cast. It is also frequently excessive and over-produced, but then what else should one expect from a summer blockbuster?

    Dwayne Johnston (Seward Fishing)


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