

Patricia McNulty as Tina Lawton on STAR TREK
"Excuse me, I must be wanted somewhere," whines Tina Lawton aboard the STAR TREK Enterprise in the Season One Episode CHARLIE X, featuring Robert Walker Jr. as a mysterious and mischievous teenager who's not what he seems.

Since Charlie has the hots for the blonde bombshell Yeoman Janice Rand, played by Grace Lee Whitney, he wants nothing to do with the young innocent Tina.

His overly perceptive eyes see through the obvious ruse... Rand used Tina as bait to get the creepy kid off her tail... literally! In a previous scene, Charlie slaps the voluptuous Yeoman on the tush. And he says she smells better than the other girls on board. Kirk has to teach him to be more subtle with the ladies... but there's just no getting through to the kid.  
Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Janice Rand
It's a very good episode, although not entirely original. The theme of a youth able to control adults was used in the classic TWILIGHT ZONE episode IT'S A GOOD LIFE starring Bill Mumy as a small town boy who sends anyone that crosses him into oblivion.

At the point where Charlie's powers turn lethal, going from card tricks to evaporating guns and a crew member, Spock sums everything up with the understated line: "We're in the hands of an adolescent."

But what's stranger than Charlie's maniacal manipulation is the moment he blows off the gorgeous young Tina. They would have made a perfect fit, and perhaps he wouldn't have been so uptight with a hot girlfriend around. 
Patricia McNulty on the second season of MY THREE SONS
So we just wanted to tell you, Tina Lawton, that you are wanted here, even though you wound up in an aquarium, sitting on a heat rock (Charlie turns her into a lizard; although she's implied to be turned back since everything was undone). And so are you, Yeoman Rand... Janice wasn't needed on the Enterprise after eight episodes of the original series.

Although Grace Lee Whitney, unlike Tina Lawton actress Patricia McNulty, did turn up in the TREK films and later television incarnations and many other projects including MANNIX, IRONSIDE and POLICE STORY. 
Patricia McNulty smiles before rejection
Patricia appeared on two MY THREE SONS episodes and is credited as a technician in THE HOUSE OF GOD (we'll have pictures eventually) starring Tim Matheson in 1984, and alas, that was that.

Too bad, because there's never a shortage of beautiful blondes in film or on TV... Speaking of which, there is another cutie from the next episode WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE.
Patricia McNulty in her last known movie still from THE HOUSE OF GOD with Tim Matheson
No, not Sally Kellerman as Dr. Dehner, but the girl who stands by Gary Lockwood's Mitchell until a forcefield knocks out the bridge.

And like Patricia McNulty, beautiful blonde actress Andrea Dromm, as Yeoman Smith (who Kirk mistakingly calls Jones), only appeared in a few projects including THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING and COME SPY WITH ME as well as a famous (for that time) 1960's airline commercial.
Andrea Dromm as Yeoman Smith with Gary Lockwood
Andrea Dromm and William Shatner
Andrea Dromm with Sally Kellerman
Andrea Dromm with William Shatner
That's Smith, not Jones
Behind every Gary Lockwood is Andrea Dromm


  1. Classic! Hey I didn't know Sally Kellerman was in Star Trek - cool!

    Great post sir. Now I really need to get some stuff done around the house, all of these awesome posts are distracting me!

    Keep up the great work sir.

  2. and of course I'm going to have to start to re-watch all of the original series.


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