

John Cusack and Darren Harris geek out in SIXTEEN CANDLES
Geeks ruled 1980's cinema, and one in particular stands out from all others... 

In SIXTEEN CANDLES, John Cusack's best friend Cliff is played by the lanky DARREN HARRIS, who turns up again as John's classmate in BETTER OFF DEAD and as a mall rat in WEIRD SCIENCE.
Cliff spying Molly Ringwald for Anthony Michael Hall
Darren Harris as Cliff in SIXTEEN CANDLES
John Cusack, Anthony Michael Hall and Darren Harris
John Cusack as Bryce and Darren Harris as Cliff in SIXTEEN CANDLES
Cusack leaves his friend behind in SIXTEEN CANDLES
Darren Harris returns to Cusackland in BETTER OFF DEAD
Darren Harris in WEIRD SCIENCE to the right of Robert Downey Jr.
"Was that Iron Man who just ran by?"

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