year: 1982 rating: *** |
Lee Horsley is Talon, grownup from the vulnerable kid he once was: his family butchered before his eyes by villainous Richard Lynch. Thus Talon, now a womanizing mercenary, is given the task to retrieve the brother of gorgeous Alana, played by the wide-eyed beauty, Kathleen Beller.
Most of the action occurs from the halfway point to the ending, after weathering twenty minutes of a reanimated zombie and too many close-up battles that don’t matter to the plot/rescue, which, once underway, never lets up.
Talon’s sword, with a blade in the middle and two more on the side, shooting-out like missiles, is really cool, as are any scenes in dark lit taverns or dungeons. And thankfully it's not a searing epic: Running at a fast-paced ninety minutes, this bloody romp has just about everything – including a cocky hero that never takes the situation too seriously, even though death lurks... and even pounces... around every corner.
At the time between EXCALIBUR, CONAN, DRAGONSLAYER, and this movie I remember some times liking this one the best. I can't say that now because EXCALIBUR is in my top 5 but I still really dig this movie.